The Potency of Islamic Philanthropy in Indonesia: Analysis of the Socio-Economic Context


  • Nia Zulinda IAIN Pontianak
  • Samsul Hidayat IAIN Pontianak



Islamic Philanthropy, Socio-Economic, Productivity


Overcoming the problem of poverty and socio-economic inequality has always been a difficult challenge for all of us, including the government, since the early days of human civilization. Islam has presented philanthropy as an instrument to achieve social justice by interacting and incorporating religious aspects into solutions to overcome these problems. The biggest potency for Islamic philanthropy lies in Muslim countries, especially in Indonesia which has the largest Muslim population in the world. Human resources are very effective tools for optimizing true Islamic potency. In addition, an action that is able to strengthen the effect of Islamic philanthropy on socio-economic issues is to get involved in the economic sector to increase productivity and to reduce low income levels in society.




How to Cite

Nia Zulinda, & Samsul Hidayat. (2023). The Potency of Islamic Philanthropy in Indonesia: Analysis of the Socio-Economic Context. Proceeding of International Conference on Islamic Economics, Islamic Banking, Zakah and Waqf, 1(1), 249–266.