The Role of Traditional Games in Growing Children's Character in Elementary School Students at SDN 1 Cilangkap, Gumelar District, Banyumas Regency


  • Alipi Sukmawati Wardani UIN Prof. K.H. Saifuddin Zuhri Purwokerto


traditional games, character development, elementary school students, social constructivism


The benefits for children from traditional game activities are enormous. This is the basis for future research that, from an epistemological point of view, will investigate how classical games can serve as a medium for character development in elementary school students. Using a case study methodology, this study takes a qualitative approach. Primary school students who participate in a more conventional form of play are the focus of this study. Information is gathered through recording game actions, conducting in-depth interviews with instructors and students, and engaging in participatory observation. Social constructivist frameworks and character development approaches are used in data analysis. According to the findings, classical games play a major role in shaping children's personalities. In order to preserve traditional games and encourage character development in elementary school-age children, the program has introduced them to traditional games and increased their awareness of them. Of the fifty young people surveyed, only two expressed happiness—joy and fear. The interviews were conducted while the children were playing. Of the children surveyed, 45 reported feeling very happy, while only 5 reported feeling happy overall. The importance of classical games in character development is better understood as a result of this research. The findings of this study can be the backbone of educational initiatives that use traditional games as a powerful tool for education. Furthermore, this study emphasizes the need to establish a classroom environment that encourages students to be actively involved in their own education.




How to Cite

Sukmawati Wardani, A. (2024). The Role of Traditional Games in Growing Children’s Character in Elementary School Students at SDN 1 Cilangkap, Gumelar District, Banyumas Regency. International Proceedings of Nusantara Raya, 3(1), 277–285. Retrieved from